August 17, 2011

Super Goonie's Adventures in Chanhassen

This is Super Goonie.

He belongs to a group of my friends who call ourselves The Goonies. We met on the Internet, most of us through a birth board for mothers with due dates in March 2007. Back then, we were a diverse and hormonal group of expectant and new mothers united by our interest in discussing our babies with strangers. Today, we're parents of four-year-olds - and many more children as well.

Our little "Marchies" have grown up together, and one of the traditions we created was Super Goonie. He was born about two years ago, with the idea that he'd travel from one place to another, visiting the kids who lived there, and we'd take photos and blog and share his adventures.

There are some Goonies who might think he has been missing for months - when the truth is, he's just been laying low in Minnesota.

He took a job in banking, which has kept him very busy.

It's not a bad gig. He has a lovely view from his office, and he's bonded well with the other superheroes in the department.

But at the end of the day, he's always ready to go home and be a kid's toy. He commutes home to the suburbs.

He gets lots of love and smiles and squeezes and smooshes.

On weekends, he likes to go shopping.

Here in Minnesota, you can ride a roller coaster inside a mall. Super Goonie isn't much of a thrill seeker, so he is content with a more mellow ride.

At the end of the day, Super Goonie is pretty wiped out and ready to rest.

As much as Super Goonie has enjoyed his life as a Minnesota suburbanite banker, it's time for him to venture forth into the world and new adventures.

Tomorrow morning, he'll be loading up into the car and heading out west. He will meet up with 5 other Goonie families and go home with one of them.

We bid him farewell, adieu, and happy travels.

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